Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse.

Common sense, what is common? What is perceived in creation is common sense to all humans.

One does not need to be a genius to know what God created is seen and witness to by what is common on earth us human’s.

What is uncommon sense? It is something people should not waste time on, it produces a field of lies, confusion, and ciaos, like men are woman or woman are men there more then two sex by pronouns, believing lies don’t make it true or common sense.

Deuteronomy.22:5 A woman shall not wear men's clothing, neither shall a man put on women's clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to Yahweh your God.
When the washing machine is started the cloths are dirty, some more than others, but the process is the same. The question we human now face is who started the washing machine, human's or God? If it is humans then the exposing of corruption isn't to clean it up, but rather, to profit off of it! But if its of God then the process and its end results will be about the quality of the clean, what eternal character it builds in us through the cycles of the washing machine. Now many think and its true that they don't need to be in the washing machine, but we are all in it? God has time tables that start and end, as does the washing cycles, if this is from God no human can interrupt it, the hope is a better lasting people, pray for endurance to the end.
The very manna of God in ancient times given from YHWH came from above not below, the Israelite's did not make the manna by reading the scriptures. Moses did not make the manna, the priesthood did not make the manna. In fact, if they did not eat the manna in the wilderness they would have died! Dead without the breathe of life to the knowledge of the law of God, dead to the priesthood, and Moses without eating the manna, none of their worship would have matter without first eating the manna, now would it?

Deuteronomy 8:3 He humbled you, and allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna, which you didn't know, neither did your fathers know; that he might make you know that man does not live by bread only, but by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of Yahweh does man live.

The manna was life, and without the strength coming from the manna they could not live nor worship God. Their life and salvation physically came from God, they could not fool themselves into thinking if they did a good work from their good heart thay would not need salvation from eating the manna. Wednesday March 2023
Truth happens no matter what human want or think. What is the truth about thieves?

John 10:10 The thief only comes to steal, kill, and destroy. I came that they may have life, and may have it abundantly.

Why does a thief come, they come to “steal”, but does it end there? No! If they steal then they will kill you and destroy your hard work. Our world glorifies thieves, but our world is under the power of darkness of the first thief Satan the Devil.

The truth is happening right now in our world by the destructive nature of thieves, nothing sacred, life is valueless, evil is called good, and good evil.

1 John 5:4 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world: your faith.